Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Catching up--Our Labor Day trip to the 'Burgh
So, Mommy's been slacking on her blogging duties and has fallen way behind! Apologies to all of the Anna fans out there. :)Anna and Mommy went to the 'Burgh to celebrate Labor Day and see/march in Anna's first Labor Day parade. In addition to a wet, but very fun parade (where Mommy met VP Joe Biden!), we paked the weekend with lots of other fun. We took a trip to see Granny and Poppy (Anna's Great-Grandparents), where Anna spent the day entertaining them and playing in Granny's birdbath. We also headed down to Oakland to meet up with Kristie one of Mommy's dear friends from college and her little girl Kenzie. Anna and Kenzie were fast friends! Anna also got to hang out at Storybook Forest and Idlewild park with all four of her grandparents--a fun dat for everyone! No wonder Anna loves going to Pittsburgh so much!

FamilyDO'C at 9:31 PM