Friday, August 21, 2009
Nothing Runs Like a Deere--especially in the QC
A quick drive across the Mississippi, and we were in Moline, IL, home of John Deere. The pavilion was an impressive site with tractors and combine that has tires "Even bigger than Daddy!" as Anna exclaimed. Mommy and Daddy found out that despite living in the "big city," they are truly raising a Midwestern farm girl who looooooved climbing on the tractors and milking the pretend cow. Anna even brought a tiny little tractor home to keep her trains company! After all of that hard farm work, it was time for lunch! Next stop, Lagomarcino's...

FamilyDO'C at 1:27 PM
- at August 23, 2009 at 4:37 PM jmr said...
The picture of her milking a fake cow is hysterical!!!