Sunday, August 30, 2009
Getting ready for Thomas
Before going to see Thomas the Tank Engine, Mommy and Anna made some train shaped sugar cookies! She's learning to use her Great-Grandma Helen's rolling pin (with just a little help!) and becoming quite the little baker!
FamilyDO'C at 3:39 PM
It's Uncle Arun!!!
When Mommy told Anna that Uncle Arun was coming, the first thing she said was, "Anna loves the fun house!" referring to Uncle Arun's awesome place in San Diego. Although we didn't leave Chicago, we still had a lot of fun, especially hanging out at at the "Bean!" Come back again soon, Uncle Arun!

FamilyDO'C at 3:33 PM
Starved Rock (OR It's not a ROCK! It's just WOODS!)
On our way back from the QC, Mommy, Daddy and Anna decided to make a stop at Starved Rock State Park. After talking about it for an hour (including silly jokes like "it's called starved rock because it's really hungry!"), Anna was pretty excited to hike...until we got to the top of the rock and she burst into tears exclaiming, "It's not starved rock, it's just the wooooooods!" After a little bit of convincing (and pointing out that we were up high and indeed on a rock), she loved hiking in the woods. A very good end to a fun mini-vacation!

FamilyDO'C at 2:59 PM
Friday, August 21, 2009
Play Ball! Anna's first baseball game
$7 seats right behind home plate? $1 hot dogs? This sounds like the perfect 1st baseball game for Anna! We went to see the QC River Bandits in their really nice stadium right on the Mississippi. The highlight (obvious from the pictures below!)? Meeting Anna's new hero, Rascal the River Bandit!

FamilyDO'C at 1:43 PM
Mmmmmmm ice cream in the QC
At a friend's suggestion, we grabbed lunch at an old-fashioned lunch counter/ice cream shop called Lagmarcino's. Boy, were we glad we did! Their homemade ice cream was incredible and Mommy and Daddy had the best hot fudge & caramel sundae ever. Oh and lunch was pretty yummy, too!

FamilyDO'C at 1:39 PM
Nothing Runs Like a Deere--especially in the QC
A quick drive across the Mississippi, and we were in Moline, IL, home of John Deere. The pavilion was an impressive site with tractors and combine that has tires "Even bigger than Daddy!" as Anna exclaimed. Mommy and Daddy found out that despite living in the "big city," they are truly raising a Midwestern farm girl who looooooved climbing on the tractors and milking the pretend cow. Anna even brought a tiny little tractor home to keep her trains company! After all of that hard farm work, it was time for lunch! Next stop, Lagomarcino's...

FamilyDO'C at 1:27 PM
More Fun in the QC--The Family Museum
After a good night's sleep, our first stop on this quick family vacation was the Family Museum in Betendorf, IA. It was a fabulous kid's mueum. From a child-sized playhouse to stuffed horses you could ride to train and tractor exhibits, Anna explored everything! We had so much fun that we didn't want to leave! But, the John Deere Pavilion was too fun to miss! Next stop, Moline, IL and the HUGE tractors!

FamilyDO'C at 1:15 PM
The Quad Cities (OR How we Celebrated Mommy and Daddy's 6th Anniversary)
To celebrate Mommy and Daddy's 6th anniversary, we took a short, family trip to the Quad Cities. The Quad Cities, for you non-Midwesterners are about 3 hours from Chicago, on the Mississippi River and span IL and IA. We all had a blast! On the way down we stopped to do a little "outlet shopping" and Anna got her new ladybug boots--perfect for splashing in those hotel parking lot puddles. Our first evening there we went to see a waterski how (which Anna is watching intently below) and ran through a tunnel or lights that overlooks Old Man River.

FamilyDO'C at 1:09 PM
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Better Late than Never--Pictures from Daddy's camera, Family Fest
In mid-June at the park down the street there was a great Family Festival, complete with pinewood derby car races, kiddie bouncers, and free hot dogs. Apparently Daddy also managed to capture some of Mommy and Anna's twin expressions while they were watching the cars race. With every run Anna would yell, "Go car go!" It was a great way to kick off the summer and we all had a great afternoon.

FamilyDO'C at 4:42 PM