Tuesday, November 11, 2008
GOooooobama! (Or How Anna became a little Democrat)
Living in Chicago was extra special this election day because it meant that we would be close to Anna's favorite candidate "'bama" who would be giving a (Victory!) speech in Grant Park. Anna had spent the last few months saying "Gobama" and Mama and Dada knew it would be a historic night. Soooooo....we decided we couldn't miss it. We got our tickets, a hotel room and, after packing and voting, tried to get Anna down for an extra nap. The evening was a special one and one that none of us will ever forget. (Since that night Anna has been saying "'Bama. Watch. Fun." and calling him her "friend" whenever she sees his picture). So, here's what Family D-O'C did on election night...
The morning after--guess what!? Obama's still the President-elect! Hooray. The world is a better place!

The happy family on their way back to the hotel. People were singing and dancing in the streets. Anna loved it!

FamilyDO'C at 11:57 AM