Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Mashi Turns 30! (Or Anna goes to ASA)
Mashi turned 30 and Mama had a conference, so we all met in Boston our old stomping grounds. Anna surprised Mashi (who didn't know we were coming) by pretending to be "room service" and showing up at her door. It was a wonderful trip. Anna misses Kaka and Mashi already--where are we going next guys?Happy 30th Birthday Mashi!!!

With Kaka and Mashi (Hooray!!!!)

Doing Anna's favorite thing-- riding the "T"

Out and about in Beantown

Getting to the train in style (Thanks Dada and Kaka!)

Enjoying the hotel and our great view from the balcony...

FamilyDO'C at 11:10 AM