Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tea Time!
Early this morning Anna hosted her very first tea party. The attire was formal (only your best PJs) and Tigger, Mrs. Monk (the monkey), Mr. Hop-Hop and Elmo were the special guests. Everyone had a great time and promised to be back tomorrow (though hopefully a little later in the day...).

FamilyDO'C at 11:07 AM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Penguins? On a Wednesday?
Anna and Mama spent the morning singing one of Anna's favorite songs about penguins. When Anna got up from her nap and requested it again, Mama thought why not go see the penguins? Ahh the joys of being Mama/grad student!!!:) Hooray for spontaneous Wednesdays!

FamilyDO'C at 3:51 PM
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Happy Anniversary, Mama and Dada!
How long have Mama and Dada been married? That's right, Anna, 5 years!

FamilyDO'C at 3:22 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Philly Phanatic
Although they've hung out in Pittsburgh and Chicago, Anna decided it was high time to go visit Aunt Julie in Philly. She, Mama and Aunt Julie had a great girls' weekend, including trips to the Please Touch Museum, the fountain in Rittenhouse Square and other Philly hot spots. Anna also had a blast wearing Unkie Scott's cold weather clothes. Thanks for a great visit, Aunt Julie. We miss you already! Maybe next time we'll get to the Crayola factory... :)

FamilyDO'C at 8:32 PM
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Mashi Turns 30! (Or Anna goes to ASA)
Mashi turned 30 and Mama had a conference, so we all met in Boston our old stomping grounds. Anna surprised Mashi (who didn't know we were coming) by pretending to be "room service" and showing up at her door. It was a wonderful trip. Anna misses Kaka and Mashi already--where are we going next guys?Happy 30th Birthday Mashi!!!

With Kaka and Mashi (Hooray!!!!)

Doing Anna's favorite thing-- riding the "T"

Out and about in Beantown

Getting to the train in style (Thanks Dada and Kaka!)

Enjoying the hotel and our great view from the balcony...

FamilyDO'C at 11:10 AM
Burgh Baby
Now that she's a big girl, Anna is really begging to appreciate all that Pittsburgh has to offer. The Children's Museum, including Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, The Pgh Zoo, and North Park. Her favorite thing about Pittsburgh? All four of her grandparents are there!

FamilyDO'C at 10:49 AM