Saturday, March 27, 2010
Lunch with the Easter Bunny!
What better way to get ready for Easter than hanging with the Easter Bunny? We thought lunch, an Easter egg hunt and some fun crafts were the perfect way to spend the day! Anna loved meeting the bunny and even gave him a kiss on the nose, but not before reminding him she wanted a "sturdy basket" filled with good stuff!

FamilyDO'C at 3:15 PM
Out and About in Chi-town
Since we will be leaving Chicago in July, we are trying to take advantage of all of our favorite places and visit some places that we've never been. Last week, we went to the Museum of Science and Industry--one of Anna's favorite museums because it was a free day (!! woohoo!!) and Daddy had never been there, so his girls wanted to show him around. Then on Saturday, we went to the Adler Planetarium with the Northwestern Grad student Parents group (also free!) and had a great time.FamilyDO'C at 3:09 PM
Spring has sprung (sort of)
Ok, so it isn't exactly warm in Chicago, but it's sunny and getting warmer. That means it's time to go to the park! Of course, Anna has to cruise there in style to make an arrival. Then it's on the the "big girl swings" where she wants to go "faster! higher!" This is going to be a fun summer!FamilyDO'C at 2:59 PM
The Mozart Experience
On her second visit to Symphony Hall in Chicago, Anna learned about Mozart. Her favorite part? Getting to see & hear three young women play their violins before the show. It was a fun time for Mommy & Daddy, who really enjoyed sharing some of the more grown up things they enjoy with Anna!FamilyDO'C at 2:54 PM
Daddy & Anna build a snowgirl
To enjoy the little snow that we had this winter, Daddy & Anna built a mini-snowgirl to go along with the snowgirl she and Jessi built! Chilly, but lots of fun!FamilyDO'C at 2:49 PM