Saturday, July 25, 2009
Summertime summertime sum sum summertime
Anna and Mommy thought an afternoon of being beach babes was long overdue. So, with sunscreen on, beach toys in tow and a few snacks, we headed off to spend the aftenoon building castles. What fun!

FamilyDO'C at 11:23 AM
Flower Power
Here are a few more pictures of Anna doing her flower girl duties at Aunt Julie and Unkie Scott's wedding and rehearsal dinner! (photos courtesy of Jenna Kosowski)FamilyDO'C at 11:13 AM
Friday, July 17, 2009
Silly in Philly
Aunt Julie and Unkie Scott got married last weekend...while we don't have pictures of Anna's stellar performance as a flower girl posted yet, we do have some fun shots from the very cool photobooth they had at their reception. From the looks of it, Mommy and Daddy were having even more fun hamming it up than Anna! What a fun night! Congrats Aunt Julie and Unkie Scott!!FamilyDO'C at 3:11 PM
Saturday, July 4, 2009
A Perfect Day for Peggy Notebaert
76 and sunny on a Thursday at the beginning of July? Definitely the perfect time for Mommy and Anna to head down to the Nature Museum to spend the day with the butterflies. Anna made some pretty new friends while we were there and we spent some time on the roof watching the birds!FamilyDO'C at 2:54 PM
Happy Father's Day (just a little late), Daddy!
We celebrated Father's Day a little late this year, but Anna made sure to make it extra special with a beautiful card and a trip to the Emily Oakes Nature Center in much fun!FamilyDO'C at 2:45 PM
Door County (or how we celebrated Pap's 60th birthday)
When PapPap turned 60 he said that he wanted an Anna birthday, so we went to Door County to give him just that. It turns out that an "Anna birthday" means doing all the things that Anna wanted most to do, so we went to THE Farm and fed the animals, ate ice cream, hung out with the goats on Al Johnson's roof, went to story hour, ate at a restaurant where the train brings you your food (!) and just had a really good time. Pap should turn 60 every year!FamilyDO'C at 2:18 PM