Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Happy 2nd Birthday, AnnaCat!
Time flies when you are having fun and Anna, Daddy and Mommy have certainly had a LOT of fun this past year! It is hard to believe that Anna is 2! To celebrate, we had a "Thomas the Tank Engine" party with many of our friends. Nana Rosie, PapPap Joe, Grandma Helen and Grandpa Larry flew in from Pittsburgh to make sure the birthday girl got all of the attention and snuggles that she deserves for such a big occasion! All in all a wonderful birthday weekend, but Mommy and Daddy can't believe that their "baby" is a big girl of 2! Happy Birthday, AnnaCat!

FamilyDO'C at 9:56 PM
Turning 2: The Photo Shoot
To celebrate turning 2, Anna did a little photo shoot--complete with a fake cake! She had a lot of fun and really cooperated for most of the pictures. And hey--for $7.99 at Target, you've got to love it!

FamilyDO'C at 9:53 PM
Memorial Day Weekend, Part 2: The many faces of Anna (California style)
Anna woke up VERY early to show Mommy her animal faces after we went to the San Diego Zoo (pictures of that will come as soon as Daddy puts them on Mommy's computer...ahem!). Panda face (the 3rd one down) was an instant classic. The others we'll leave to the viewers interpretation. But, if you have to be up before the sun, Anna is a very entertaining little panda to have waking you up!

FamilyDO'C at 9:45 PM