Thursday, May 29, 2008
Anna's not the only one getting older...
With two big birthday's to celebrate (Dada's and Anna's), Mama enlists a little helper. Anna helps to wrap Dada's present and seals his card with a kiss. We love you, Dada! Happy 29th (and one day)!

FamilyDO'C at 8:59 PM
Gotta love those long weekends...
Anna learns the joy of holiday weekends at the beach, grilling with friends...and they call this a Monday?

FamilyDO'C at 8:52 PM

FamilyDO'C at 7:38 AM
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Run, Mama, Run!
Mama ran the Soldier Field 10 miler with Jennifer and Anna came to cheer them on (she brought Dada along, too). Anna got to experience her first race AND hang out at the home of Da Bears. She even got a medal for being such a good spectator!

FamilyDO'C at 9:00 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
For me?! No Way!
This whole first birthday thing is really cool! Anna doesn't know exactly what it is, but if it means Mashi and Kaka send her a tricycle, she's all in! (Now they have to come visit and take her riding!)

FamilyDO'C at 3:45 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
A baby's work is never (part 2)
Last week it was sweeping, now Mommy and Daddy are teaching Anna to do the laundry. Good baby. :)

FamilyDO'C at 9:25 AM
I can feed myself...the civilized way
Forget finger food--Anna's got a fork and a spoon, and she's not afraid to use them. Add some spaghetti and, well, it's a semi-nutritious meal and a great photo op for Mommy!

FamilyDO'C at 9:16 AM
Lazy Saturdays are the best!
Anna, Mommy and Daddy went on a lovely picnic. Swings, a sandbox and good food--what more do you need to enjoy a lazy Saturday?

FamilyDO'C at 9:07 AM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Do something you hate!
Anna says that being miserable builds character....
Bonus: The first person to identify (in the comments) the inspiration behind this post wins a free invite to Anna's First Birthday party!
FamilyDO'C at 6:00 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Oooooh, an early birthday present!
Even though there are more than two weeks until Anna's birthday, Mommy thinks it's good to celebrate all month. Anna loved getting her new blocks (at 5am)--so much that she escaped from her high chair to open them!

FamilyDO'C at 9:15 AM
A baby's work in never done
Mommy and Daddy try to convince Anna that cleaning is fun!

FamilyDO'C at 9:11 AM