Thursday, January 31, 2008
Balancing Act

FamilyDO'C at 9:40 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
Water Baby (whose idea was swimming in January?)
Anna, Dada and Mama are doing parent/baby swim at Northwestern. Mama sat this week out to take pictures of the water baby and her Dada. The water is a little chillier than we might like, but Anna's having fun.

FamilyDO'C at 3:23 PM
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Standing tall (on the wings of my dreams)
Anna loves to stand with Mommy's help. (*bonus points for anyone who knows what TV show theme the title of this post comes from)
FamilyDO'C at 10:54 AM
Anna and we meet again

FamilyDO'C at 10:49 AM
Saturday, January 19, 2008
The Rhythm is Gonna Get You...
Anna learns to shake her maracas (yes, she likes to chew them, too). Big thanks to Uncle Bob and cousins Vinny and Dominic for such a cool gift.

FamilyDO'C at 2:41 PM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Rub-a Dub Dub in Anna's New Tub!
Anna has a new big girl bath tub that fits in Mommy and Daddy's tub. She tried it out this afternoon and LOVED it! Not only is there space to splash (which she learned to do today!) but there are also some cool toys attached to it! Yeah for bath time!

FamilyDO'C at 4:29 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
Who's not going to coach in 2008?
Anna makes a Cowher-esque scowl to say she doesn't buy it...
FamilyDO'C at 3:03 PM
This is exercise?

FamilyDO'C at 2:45 PM
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Who says getting a PhD is hard?
Anna doesn't know why Mommy and Daddy always complain about having to do work. Sitting at the computer in Dada's big chair is way fun. Maybe she'll work on her PhD, too!

FamilyDO'C at 5:32 PM
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!
To ring in 2008, Mommy, Daddy and Anna went to a favorite restaurant--Tomboy (Mommy and Daddy spent last NYE there, also!). Since we ate so early (5:30), we practically had the place to ourselves. The food was wonderful and Anna really liked the balloons! Happy 2008 and Happy 7 months to Anna!

FamilyDO'C at 1:38 PM
Presents! (wrapping paper is the best!)
Anna quickly got the hang of unwrapping presents. And like all babies, she liked the wrapping paper and boxes most of all!

FamilyDO'C at 1:24 PM
Ho (cough) Ho (sniffle) Ho (sneeze)
Mommy, Daddy and Anna all got sick right before Christmas. Anna was a trooper, though and made the trip to Pittsburgh (9 hours!) for the first time by car. And despite being sick (note the sleepy, watery eyed, snot-bubble blowing baby below) she really made this the best Christmas!

FamilyDO'C at 1:17 PM